Thursday, October 11, 2012

Girls Gone Wild

Location:  New Castle, New Hampshire (Wentworth by the Sea)

We are docked where we started this summer, at Wentworth by the Sea in New Hampshire.  Dave has been in Aberdeen, Scotland for the last few days, so the cats and I have been living it up.  Of course, we have been doing our daily training and safety drills as you can see in these pictures.  Everybody gets to take a turn at being captain for the day, and safety officer is a key position.
Captain Puddy at the helm

Safety Officer Doofus
The move down from Maine went well.  We left Maple Juice Cove just as a world cruiser was pulling in to anchor.  The crew and their boat, Belvedere, have traveled through the Northwest Passage and have published several books about their journeys.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get a chance to talk to them as they were anchoring up while we were cruising out of the cove, headed for Portland.  So you’re wondering… if we didn’t actually talk to them, how do we know who they were?… for any boat registered with the  United States Coast Guard (USCG), you can search by boat name and learn all kinds of things such as the year the boat was built, who built it, the length, the owner, etc.  Because it is so easy, when we see an interesting boat, we get on the website and see what we can learn.
We traveled west along the coast, south of Boothbay Harbor and then north up the Sheepscot River to Robin Hood Cove.  This is one of the places we went to with Brian and Kathy in their boat when we were in Boothbay mid-August.  The cove is quiet and very picturesque.  The restaurant was closed so we made jambalaya and had supper on the boat.
Lighthouse, Maine Coast
Passage to Robin Hood Cove

Wednesday, we cruised to Portland.  The seas were so calm after all of the wind.  We landed in Portland about lunch time and picked up a mooring at Portland Yacht Services, on the eastern edge of the harbor.  It is within walking distance of Old Portland, so we walked into town for a bowl of chowder and a beer, wandered around the waterfront in the rain and then headed back to the boat.  Late Wednesday afternoon, the school kids came out to the marina and launched their sail boats for their sailing lesson.  It was cold and wet, but it was great to see them out there and they seemed to be having a good time.  On Thursday, it was raining again so we walked up to Hamilton Marine and spent some time getting necessary boat stuff and then went to a local coffee shop for lunch and some quality internet time.  Thursday night we had dinner with friends Jim and Ilse at their home in South Portland.  Jim and I worked together in Angola about 12 years ago and spent time together in Setubal Portugal in a Portuguese immersion course.  They had just returned from a hiking trek in Slovenia with a few days at the end in Venice.  They met on a sailing vacation in the Caribbean and are both very active with their local Rotary Club.  Both have a great sense of adventure and some wonderful tales to tell.  If you are wondering what hiking in Slovenia is like, here is a link to Jim and Ilse’s pictures from their trip.

We left Portland early Friday morning with plans to make it to Wentworth at slack tide so that it would be easier to come into the dock.  We made good time and ended up slowing down to about 4 knots for the last two hours so that we didn’t get here too early.  It was another very calm day at sea but with some fog and plenty of tuna fishermen out waiting to catch a big fish.  Some small birds were offshore flying near the boat and more than one took the opportunity to stop and rest.  Here is a picture of one on the rail near the pilothouse.

Bird resting on the boat rail near the pilothouse
That’s it for the night.  Dave called from Boston and is on the bus headed this way, so Girls Gone Wild is over until next time.

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