Monday, October 9, 2023

Houston, TX to Freedom, NH, Traveling in New England, Hiking with Family

 Location:  Canaan, New Hampshire

We spent the end of June and the first half of July in Houston, TX.  From there, we moved up to Spring, TX (just north of Houston) for a pet sit, went to Austin for some family time, then drove north into New England.  Early September, B went to Nevada, Utah and Arizona on a hiking/sight-seeing trip and Dave and Ben hiked in New Hampshire.  The map below shows our driving route and includes the places we've been.  

Marilyn, Louise, Barb and B taking a break after hiking the rim of Bryce Canyon

June 26 - July 15, 2023, Houston, TX:  We spent almost three weeks in Houston, looking after Davey and Faust in the EADO (East of Downtown) neighborhood.  

Davey (dog) and Faust (cat) in Houston, TX

I had to do my civic duty and report to jury duty on June 27th.  After waiting in a large auditorium, they put a series of jury duty numbers on a screen and 30 of us filed out into a hallway.  A bailiff assigned each of us a juror number, 1 - 30.  The way the bailiff explained it - if your number was 1 - 10, you were standing close to the fire and were very likely to get burned, i.e. selected to be on the jury.  Numbers 11 - 20 were warm and may or may not get selected.  For numbers 21 - 30, you were far enough away from the fire and were the least likely to be selected.  I was juror number 25 and felt pretty confident that I would not be selected to serve on a jury.  We walked through the Houston downtown tunnel system to the court building and went upstairs to our court room.  The judge described the jury selection process to us then the ADA and the defense attorney each had ~45 minutes to ask us questions.  The trial was for a misdemeanor and they only needed 6 jurors.  After selecting the 6 lucky people, the rest of us were excused and were sent on our way.

The weather in Houston was hot, hot, hot! while we were there, over 100F/37C almost every day.  We  walked Davey around the neighborhood and at some nearby parks, went to the doctor, dentist, eye doctor, etc. and all went well.  And, we checked out some neighborhood restaurants and breweries.

Suzanne and B enjoying a cold brew at Platypus Brewing, Houston, TX

July 15 - 21, 2023, Spring, TX:  Our pet sit with Davey and Faust ended on Saturday, July 15th.  We moved from Houston to Spring, TX for a sit with three cats, Phoebe, Archie and Perse.  Archie greeted us at the door and joined us for our walk through.  Phoebe came out later in the afternoon and from that point on was the friendliest of the three.  Perse was a little bit shy but came out for her bedtime treats and to play with her catnip mouse.  

Phoebe waiting for a treat

Archie napping in the shoe bag

Phoebe in the Y tunnel

Perse sunning herself

Phoebe and Archie playing

July 21 - 24, 2023, Austin, TX:  Our pet sit with Archie, Phoebe and Perse ended on Friday, July 21st.  We drove over to Austin to spend the weekend with the kids and grandkids.  

Floating on the Comal River, New Braunfels, TX - B, Dave, Ben/Bubby, Maggie

Archie and Ben on the Comal River

Floating on the Comal River, New Braunfels, TX - Ben, Dave, Archie, Ben/Bubby, B, Maggie

Lunch at Jimmy Johns after our float down the Comal River - Ben/Bubby, Dave, Maggie, B, Archie, Ben

July 24 - August 2, 2023, Austin, TX to Freedom, NH:  We spent the week driving north and east from Austin to Freedom.  See the map above for our route.

Monday, July 24 - Austin, TX to Longview, TX, +/- 306 miles:  We started the day with a trip to our storage unit to drop off a few things, then drove up to Jarrell, TX to meet with friends Matt and Annette and their family.  We are lunch in Salado, TX and then drove into Longview, TX for the night.

Cows at Matt's place in Salado, TX

Our tractor at Matt's place in Salado, TX

Tueday, July 25, 2023 - Longview, TX to Jackson, TN +/- 450 miles:  A long day of driving on the interestate today.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - Jackson, TN to Centerville, TN to Hopkinsville, KY +/- 175 miles:  We mapped ourselves to the Fish Camp Restaurant in Centerville, TN.  My Aunt Darlene met us there and we went up the road to their place to visit with her, my Uncle Max and my cousin Lydia.  We had a nice visit and some munchies for lunch, then said our good byes and continued on to Hopkinsville, KY where we spent the night.

Dave with Lydia's "lap dog" Valentin.  Lydia is in the background along with Lucy and Jack.

Uncle Max and Aunt Darlene's cabin under construction.

Thursday, July 27, 2023 - Hopkinsville, KY to Mason, OH +/- 300 miles:  Thunderstorms and a tornado warning on the drive today, otherwise it was uneventful.

Friday, July 28, 2023 - Mason, OH to New Philadelphia, OH +/- 205 miles:  We stopped in Dover, OH and took a tour of the Warther Museum, a very interesting place.  When Ernest Warther was a young boy, he found a pocket knife and learned to whittle.  From there, he went on to become a master carver specializing in steam engines.  More info can be found at this link:  The Warther Museum

One of the steam engines carved by Ernest Warther

 A mosiac of buttons in the Button House at the Warther Museum

Saturday, July 29, 2023 - New Philadelphia, OH to Shaker Heights, OH +/- 80 miles:  We spent today in Shaker Heights, OH visiting with friends Nancy and Kevin.  They took us into downtown Cleveland and we spent the afternoon wandering around The Flats and the Cuyahoga River.

The Cuyahoga River downtown Cleveland, OH

Dave, B, Nancy and Kevin on a walk around their Shaker Heights neighborhood

Sunday, July 30, 2023 - Shaker Heights, OH to Corning, NY +/- 285 miles:  We spent the morning with Nancy and Kevin, took their dog Marvin for a walk and had a coffee in the Van Aken District.  We hit the road around noon and drove to Corning, NY for the night.

Monday, July 31, 2023 - Corning, NY to Altmar, NY +/- 140 miles:  We spent the morning at the Corning Museum of Glass which was fascinating.  Who knew glass had so many industrial uses in addition to its decorative and artistic uses. From there, we drove up to Seneca Lake for lunch and then into Altmar for the night.

Lynx sculpture at the Corning Museum of Glass
 Lynx After a Sketchbook Page by Albrecht Durer

Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - Altmar, NY to Montgomery Center, VT +/- 250 miles:  A short hike this morning to the Salmon River Falls near Altmar.  We drove the northern route through northern New York then across Lake Champlain and into Vermont.  We stopped for the night and stayed in a cabin at Crofter's Green in Montgomery Center, VT. 

Salmon River Falls near Altmar, NY

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 - Montgomery Center, VT to Freedom, NH +/- 150 miles:  This morning we crossed the stateline from Vermont to New Hampshire.  We arrived in Freedom, NH mid-afternoon and settled in for a visit with our family.

August 2 - 17, 2023, Freedom, NH:  We spent 2+ weeks in Freedom and did lots of fun things:  hiking, kayaking, a boat ride on Lake Ossipee, the Wolfeboro Children's Center Color Walk/Run, sight-seeing, learning the history of Freedom, a lobster cook-out, home made lobster rolls, chatting by the fire pit, a play at the Tamworth Theater, a visit to Lost River Gorge, some competitive games of croquet and corn hole and more hiking...

Mia and Amy followed by Cathy and B at the Wolfeboro Children's Center Color Walk/Run

Mike and Mia at the Wolfeboro Children's Center Color Walk/Run

An afternoon boat ride on Lake Ossipee with friends Brad and Maura

Pete, Julie and Dave near Evan's Notch

Dave, Cathy, Pete and Julie taking a break at the top of Foss Mountain

Erin, Mike and Mia climbing through the boulder caves at Lost River Gorge

Cathy and Pete climbing through the boulder caves at Lost River Gorge

Mike and Mia climbing through the boulder caves at the Lost River Gorge

August 17 - 20, 2023, Otisfield, ME:  We spent a few days in Otisfield, Maine pet sitting with Otis.

Otis on a hike near the Crooked River in the Twin Bridges Preserve

Otis on a hike through the woods

Otis watching the world go by as he unlaxes in the driveway

August 20 - 26, 2023, Beverly Farms, MA:  After our weekend with Otis, we spent a few days in Hampton, NH where we walked along the beach and explored the area.

Dave on the beach in Hampton, NH

From Hampton, we went to Beverly Farms to visit with Patti and Al.  We had a great time with family and friends while we were there.

Patti and her granddaughter Sienna and a friend at the neighborhood lemonade stand

Afternoon social at Patti and Al's:  Dave, Paul, Patti, Al and Norma

Our view while eating haddock sandwiches

August 26 - 31, 2023, Newcastle, ME:  On Saturday, August 26th, we drove up the coast from Beverly Farms to Boothbay Harbor, Maine.  We spent one night in Boothbay then moved to Newcastle, ME for a house sit with two dogs, Holly and Fletcher, and three cats, Luigi, Stripey (Dan) and Nori.  The weather was beautiful and we spent our days walking the dogs, exploring the area and enjoying time with friends, Brian, Kathy and Kelsy.

Fletcher and Holly resting in the shade

Fletcher enjoying a morning walk

Holly after a walk

Nori bird watching

Stripey (Dan) taking a break from bird watching

Luigi helping with the morning crossword

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

The view from the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Thursday, August 31, 2023 - Newcastle, ME to Boston, MA:  After a morning walk with the dogs, we finished up our pet sit in Newcastle.  We drove into Boston and spent the night in the North End.  We walked along the waterfront, had supper at a small Italian restaurant and got pastries for dessert from Modern Pastry.

Friday, September 1, 2023 - Boston, MA to Freedom, NH:  Ben flew from Austin to Boston this morning and we picked him up at the airport and then drove to Freedom for a family cookout.

Mike and Dave in a serious game of corn hole.

Ben and Pete, the other half of the serious corn hole game.  Julie is on the back porch watching.

We spent Saturday morning chit chatting and doing a few chores.  Saturday afternoon, Dave, Ben and I drove to Manchester, NH for the night.

September 3 - 11, 2023 - B's Vacation to Nevada, Utah and Arizona; Dave and Ben Hiking in New Hampshire:  On Sunday morning, September 3rd, Dave dropped me off at the Manchester, NH airport for my flight to Las Vegas.  I met up with my mom, Louise, and cousins Marilyn and Barb at the Las Vegas airport.  We took the shuttle to our hotel where we met up with our travel group for the week.

Marilyn and Louise playing the slot machines in the Las Vegas airport while we wait for Barb.  We didn't win any money today but Louise won $130 playing the slots while waiting for her flight home a week later.

Dave and Ben went hiking at Arethusa Falls and the Frankenstein Cliffs in the Crawford Notch State Park.

Dave and Ben with Arethusa Falls in the background

Dave and Ben at an overlook on the Frankenstein Cliff loop at Arethusa Falls

Ben and Dave at the Frankenstein Cliff Trailhead

Monday, September 4, 2023:
B - Las Vegas, NV to Springdale, UT:  We had breakfast at our hotel this morning then boarded our bus and drove to Zion National Park in Utah.  Zion is a narrow slot canyon in the southwest corner of Utah.  We had sack lunches underneath a huge cottonwood tree at the Zion National Park Lodge.  After lunch, we walked the Grotto Trail while listening to our guide tell us about the history of the park, the geology of the area, etc.  We took the bus back into town and checked into our hotel, then went out to supper at a small restaurant nearby.

Looking up at the Zion Canyon rock walls 

Cottonwood tree in front of the Zion National Park Lodge

Dave and Ben - Hiking Mount Washington:  Dave and Ben rode the Mount Washington hiker's shuttle to the top of the mountain, then hiked back down to the bottom on the Tuckerman Ravine Trail.

A view of the Cog Railway from the top of Mount Washington

Ben getting ready to hike down Mount Washington

Dave and Ben at the Tuckerman Ravine Trail head at the top of Mount Washington

Tuesday, September 5, 2023:
B - Zion National Park:  We had breakfast at our hotel, then headed into Zion for a day of hiking.  We took the park shuttle to the last stop, Stop #9 - Temple of Sinawava, and hiked the Riverside Walk along the Virgin River to the narrows.  The curated trail ends there but Barb wanted to wade across the river to have a look at the narrows so we watched her go.  

Louise, Barb and Marilyn on a morning hike up the Riverside Walk, Zion National Park.

Barb wading across the Virgin River at the Zion Canyon Narrows

Next, we rode the park shuttle down to Stop #8 - Big Bend.  There aren't any hiking trails at this stop, but rock climbers start their climbs near here and it is a good place to look for California Condors.  We scanned the cliffs looking for the giant birds and were lucky enough to spot one soaring in the thermals high above us.  

Our next stop was Stop #7 - Weeping Rock.  We ate our lunches in the shade at the bottom of the hill, then hiked up the trail.  We sat in the shade of the Weeping Rock overhang and listened to the water dripping from the cliffs walls.  

The Zion Canyon Walls along the Virgin River

Louise and Marilyn taking a break under the Weeping Rock overhang

Plants clinging to the cliff walls under the Weeping Rock overhang

From Weeping Rock, we rode the shuttle down to the lodge for some unlaxing and afternoon ice cream.  We sat in the rocking chairs and chatted with others in our group.  The afternoon sun was blazing so we decided not to do any more hiking.  We went to the Human History museum, then rode the shuttle to the park entrance.  We walked through the Tribal Arts Center.  They had a lot of beautiful art and crafts for sale but we didn't buy anything.  From there, we made our way back to our hotel.  Supper was on our own so we went to the grocery store, bought goodies for a charcuterie board and ate outside on one of the hotel patios.

Dave and Ben - Hiking:  It was the last full day for Dave and Ben's hiking adventure.  They decided not to do a long hike today and instead drove into Maine and enjoyed the scenery.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - B: Zion National Park to Bryce Canyon, UT:  We loaded the bus this morning and headed from Zion to Bryce Canyon via the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway, a beautiful drive.  The link will take you to an overview of the history of the highway and the tunnel.  

Looking up at one of the windows in the Zion Mount Carmel Tunnel

Our bus parked on the side of the Zion Mount Carmel Highway as we stop to look at the views.
Notice the small tunnel window on the right side of the photo.

The 1.1 mile long tunnel isn't big enough for two lanes of large vehicles (like our bus) to pass safely so the park rangers alternate the uphill and downhill traffic.  That allows buses and RVs to travel through in the middle of the road and ensures that they have enough overhead clearance to get through.  We made it safely up the switchbacks and through the tunnel. Near the east entrance to the park, we stopped to view Checkerboard Mesa, a Navajo Sandstone mesa cross-hatched with horizontal and vertical lines caused by expansion and contraction, wind, water and erosion.

Checkboard Mesa

We took a break at a rest stop outside the park, then drove to the Red Canyon Visitor Center for a short hike amongst the rock formations there.  

Salt and Pepper hoodoos at Red Canyon

Beautiful rock formations at Red Canyon

We drove into Bryce Canyon City and had a buffet lunch.  The history of Bryce Canyon City is interesting; it is basically a company town/monopoly run by the Ruby Syrett family.  They own all of the hotels, dining facilities, entertainment businesses, gas stations, etc.  After lunch, we drove into Bryce Canyon National Park.  We stopped at the Visitor Center then drove into the park for a hike along the rim of the canyon to Inspiration Point.  

Looking down at the hoodoos and rock formations in Bryce Canyon

A lone tree on the Bryce Canyon Rim

After our hike, we drove back into town, checked into our hotel, had a short rest, then ate supper at the buffet.

Dave and Ben Hiking:  Today was a travel day for Dave and Ben.  They stopped in Freedom for a visit with Pete, Cathy and Amy then drove down to Beverly Farms for a visit with Patti and Al.  From there, Dave took Ben to the Boston airport for his flight home to Austin.  Dave drove to the Boston North End neighborhood and spent the next three days there, wandering around the waterfront and enjoying the neighborhood restaurants, bars and bakeries.

Al, Patti and Ben

Thursday, September 7, 2023 - B:  Bryce Canyon, Utah:  We got up early this morning in order to watch the sunrise over Bryce Canyon.  It was beautiful to watch the colors of the hoodoos change as the sun rose into the sky.

Sunrise at Bryce Canyon

Sunrise at Bryce Canyon

Sunrise at Bryce Canyon

Sunrise at Bryce Canyon - Barb, Louise, Marilyn, B

We headed back to our hotel for breakfast.  After breakfast, we drove back into the park for a hike.  We started near Sunrise Point and descended into the canyon on the Queen's Garden trail.  It was 1 mile downhill to the Queen Victoria hoodoo, then 10 miles 1 mile back uphill.

A view into Bryce Canyon from Sunrise Point

Ann, Barb and Marilyn trudging down the Queen's Garden Trail at Bryce Canyon

Queen Victoria HooDoo at Bryce Canyon

We made it back to the top - Ann, Kitty, Lois and B

After our hike into the canyon, we got back on our bus and drove to Rainbow Point at the south end of the park.  We ate our lunches and then took a short hike to the Yovimpa view point.  From there, we headed back to our hotel for an afternoon rest.  For tonight's meal and entertainment, we walked over to Ebenezer's Barn and Grill for BBQ and a live country music show.

 Friday, September 8, 2023 - B:  Bryce Canyon, UT to the Grand Canyon North Rim, AZ:  We loaded up the bus this morning and drove to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  On the way there, we stopped at a few places:  the Mount Carmel Junction, where the road to Zion meets highway 89; Pipe Spring National Monument , a place with a natural spring and a story of conflict between the Mormon settlers and the Kaibab Paiute; and Jacob Lake Inn where we had lunch and delicious cookies.  We arrived at the North Rim mid-afternoon and walked out to Bright Angel Point for a view of the Grand Canyon.  After checking into our cabins, we all had supper at the restaurant in the lodge.  The north rim is known as a dark sky area with very little light pollution and the view of the stars, planets and milky way were out of this world.

Louise unlaxing on the patio at the North Rim Lodge.  Marilyn is on the bench in the background

The view of the Grand Canyon from the Bright Angel Trail

Waiting to check into our cabins at the North Rim - Barb, Louise and Marilyn

Supper at the North Rim Lodge restaurant - Barb, Louise, Becky, Janet, Marty, B, Pat and Marilyn

Saturday, September 9, 2023 - B:  Grand Canyon North Rim, AZ to Kanab, UT:  We had breakfast at the lodge while watching the sunrise over the Grand Canyon.  After checking out of our cabins and loading our luggage onto the bus, we hiked the Transcept Trail along the rim of the canyon.  

Sunrise over the Grand Canyon

A view of the Grand Canyon from the North Rim Lodge

Louise and Marilyn taking a break with the rest of our group at an overlook on the Transcept Trail, North Rim, Grand Canyon

We had sack lunches at the lodge then boarded the bus for the drive to Kanab, UT.  We stopped at Jacob Lake Inn for a rest stop and to get cookies, then stopped at a scenic overlook for a view of the Grand Staircase.  The Grand Staircase extends from the Grand Canyon, through Zion and up to Bryce Canyon.  We took a group photo, sang a song to honor our guide, Don, and our bus driver, Ray, then drove the rest of the way to Kanab.  Many Hollywood western movies and television shows have been filmed in Kanab and the town has a Hollywood Walk of Fame.  We read the tributes to actors, directors and film makers on our walk from the hotel to our restaurant.  We ate our final meal with the group and had a final debrief before turning in for the night.

Sunday, September 10, 2023 - B:  Kanab, UT to Las Vegas, NV:  We left Kanab this morning for the drive back into Las Vegas.  Most of our group, including Barb and Louise, got off at the airport for afternoon flights home.  Marilyn and I, plus 9 others went back to our starting hotel.  We had lunch as a group, then Marilyn and I ventured to the Las Vegas Strip to do some sight-seeing.  We went to the Wildlife Habitat at the Flamingo Hotel, watched the fountains at the Bellagio and marveled at the oppulence in the Cosmopolitan.  We went back to our hotel for a short rest, then went to see the ventriloquist, Terry Fator at New York, New York.  

The Chihuly art blossoms "Fiori di Como" on the ceiling of the Bellagio Hotel lobby

Marilyn wtih the giant high heel at the Cosmopolitan

September 11, 2023 - B:  Las Vegas, NV to Lebanon, NH:  I had an early morning flight today from Las Vegas to Manchester, via Chicago.  Dave picked me up at the airport and we drove up to Lebanon for the night.

September 12 - October 8, 2023 - Canaan, New Hampshire:  We started a house/pet sit in Canaan, NH on Tuesday.  We've been keeping busy exploring the area, hiking, watching summer turn to fall and taking care of a sweet cat, Livvy.  Here are a few photos of our time here:

Livvy helping Dave with his computer

Livvy ready for play time

Livvy playing with her toys

A beautiful sunset

The view from Moose Mountain South Peak

B at the summit of Moose Mountain  South Peak

Veggies for sale at the Canaan Farmers Market

Dave taking a break at the Cardigan Rimrock (Elevation 2792 feet)
Only 0.3 miles to the South Peak Summit (Elev. 2838 feet) and 0.8 miles to the Mount Cardigan Summit (Elev. 3136 feet)

Looking up at the Mount Cardigan Summit

Dave making his way up to the Mount Cardigan Summit

B on the summit of Mount Cardigan Elevation 3136 feet

Monarch butterflies on asters

Changing leaves along the Northern Rail Trail

Fall scarecrows line the streets in and around the town of Enfield, NH

Sailing scarecrows near Mascoma Lake in the town of Enfield, NH

Fall foliage at the Canaan Historical Society building, formerly the Noyes Academy, Canaan, NH

Pumpkins for sale, Canaan, NH

Sculptured Rocks near Groton, NH

Fall foliage at Trout Pond near Dorchester, NH

We're in New Hampshire until October 16th, then we're off on our next adventure.  Stay tuned!
Until next time...

Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia

 Location:  Tivat, Montenegro Mid-June we met up with an Intrepid tour group in Tirana, Albania for a tour of northern Albania, Kosovo and ...