Monday, December 28, 2020

The End of 2020

 Location:  Kingston, WA

Looking over the breakwater at the sunrise, Port of Kingston, WA

Farewell to 2020, what a long, strange year it's been.  We hope everyone has a safe and healthy holiday season and a Happy New Year.  We're looking forward to 2021.

January 2020:  The year started off strong.  We sold the farm and moved all of our worldly goods to Texas.

Dave with our grandsons, Archer and Benjamin, on the tractor after we unloaded it in Texas.

February 2020:  We flew to New Jersey and boarded a container ship, Buxcoast, for a voyage down the east coast of the USA, across the Caribbean and south along the east coast of South America.

The Verrazano Narrows Bridge as we depart New York Harbor on the Buxcoast

March 2020:  We got off the Buxcoast in Santos, Brazil and went to Iguazu Falls for a few days.  From there we flew to Buenos Aires, rode the ferry to Colonia, Uruguay and took the bus to Montevideo for a three day weekend.  Mid-March the world went on lock-down because of the coronavirus.  Borders were closed and flights were cancelled so we extended our stay.

Dave and B getting wet from the spray of the Devil's Throat Waterfall, Iguazu Falls, Argentina

April, May, mid-June 2020:  We explored Montevideo, learned our way around the ciudad vieja (old town) and took a few day trips to explore the Uruguayan countryside.

Enjoying afternooon tea with our Montevideo "bubble" 
B, Stephanie, Scott, Aida, Sergio and Dave

Mid/late June, early July 2020:  We departed on one of the few flights out of Montevideo and made our way up to Alaska via Santiago, Chile, Miami, Florida and Austin, TX.  We arrived in Kodiak, Alaska late June and went to work dewinterizing the boat and preparing to launch.

Seabiscuit going into the water, July 20th, Kodiak, Alaska

Late July, August, September 2020:  We launched Seabiscuit on July 20th and cruised to Seward, Alaska to pick up Bob for a cruise through Prince William Sound.  Bob got off in Cordova, Alaska and we cruised to Southeast Alaska where we spent a few weeks exploring.  In early September, we crossed the border from Alaska into British Columbia and twelve days later crossed in Washington State.

Bob, our only visitor this year, and B retrieving the shrimp trap, Prince William Sound, Alaska

October, November, December 2020:  On October 1st we pulled into our winter-moorage slip at the Port of Kingston, Washington.  We have been working on our project list, doing boat chores and maintenance, exploring the town and taking daily walks through the woods.  With the coronavirus still raging, we have been lying low and keeping to ourselves.  With the exception of a few items that we're saving for better weather, we've crossed off the majority of things on our To Do List.

Here are a few pictures of what we've been doing since the last blog.

Dave diving to check our hull anodes

One of our favorite signs in Kingston, WA

A wooly-bear catepillar on a trail in the woods

Great blue heron on the dock.  He likes to hang out here and on the breakwater to our stern.

Dave adding dividers to the storage area under the settee.

Dividers in place and tool bin organized

Dave with his birthday cupcake

Steaming crabs for supper

B cleaning out the steering flat

Sailboat decorated for the holidays with the leg lamp from the movie A Christmas Story

The Christmas tree at Port of Kingston

Marquee at the Kingston Firehouse Theater

The trail through the woods north of the marina

A three-toed woodpecker in the woods south of the marina.
The next day we spotted a pileated woodpecker in the same general area.

Take care and be safe.

Until next time...

Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia

 Location:  Tivat, Montenegro Mid-June we met up with an Intrepid tour group in Tirana, Albania for a tour of northern Albania, Kosovo and ...