Monday, November 5, 2018

October Land Cruising

Location:  Columbia, Missouri, USA

At the end of the last blog, we had finished winterizing the boat and were ready to fly to Spokane to visit my friend Jennie.  We are now in Columbia, Missouri, planning to continue our RV journey west this morning.

Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO

September 25, Tuesday, Sitka, AK to Spokane, WA:  We flew from Sitka to Spokane today.  Jennie met us at the airport and we drove to her house in Rockford.  We ate supper at The Harvest Moon Cafe in downtown Rockford then settled in at Jennie's and called it a day.

September 26 - 29, Wednesday - Saturday, Rockford, WA:  We spent most of our time in Rockford helping Jennie move her furniture and household goods from her storage unit to her new home and workshop.  On the way home each evening, we either stopped for happy hour at her regular hang-out or at her parents house to visit.

Moving Day 2:  Jennie in her storage unit with boxes staged to load into the truck.

Moving Day 2:  The truck and trailer loaded with "stuff".

Moving Day 3.  Dave and Jennie securing her cast iron stove in the trailer.
 We finished the moving project on Friday afternoon. Friday night we went to Barb and Ed's (Jennie's sister and brother-in-law) for a cookout and to celebrate emptying the storage unit.  We finished the evening with a competitive game of whist.
Dave and Mabel, Jennie's mom, relaxing on the patio at Barb and Ed's.
 Our Saturday morning project was to get Jennie's 5th wheel trailer under the workshop overhang.
Parking Jennie's 5th wheel trailer under the workshop overhang.

Dave and Jennie contemplating the trailer parking job.

Success - rear view of the trailer in its parking spot.

Success - front end of the trailer poking out from its parking place.
Saturday afternoon we took a scenic drive along the shoreline of Lake Coeur d'Alene.  On the way back to Jennie's, we stopped at her parent's house for a few games of whist then headed back to her place for a late dinner.

September 30, Sunday, Spokane, WA to Sweetpea Farm, Dozier, AL:  We had an early morning flight out of Spokane on Sunday morning.  We flew to Fort Walton Beach, FL and rented a car for the drive to the farm in Alabama.  The flight was uneventful.  We stopped in Andalusia to get a few groceries and arrived at the farm just in time for an afternoon rain storm.  Huge garden spider webs blocked the entry door to the cabin mud room and there were more under the barn and on the front porch.

Sunday afternoon rain shower at the farm.  Looking out from under the barn at the pump house.

The turkeys like to come out after the rain.  These are three jakes in the front yard.
October 1 - 6, Monday - Saturday, Sweetpea Farm, Gantt, AL:  We spent the first week in October on the farm doing chores and farm projects.  Dave bush-hogged the fire roads around the farm.  I cleaned up the cabin, the inside and outside of the RV and pulled some weeds.  We did truck and RV maintenance to get ready for our road trip, took a few walks in the woods and visited with our neighbors.

Cotton ready for harvest.
October 7, Sunday, Sweetpea Farm to Freeport, FL (+/- 90 miles):  We left the farm mid-morning and headed south towards Florida.  We stopped in Baker at the Gator Cafe for lunch then dropped off the rental car at the airport in Fort Walton Beach.  We checked into Live Oak Landing RV Park and settled into our spot.

B on the walking path, Living Oak Landing RV Park, Freeport, FL

The waterway near Living Oak Landing RV Park.
October 8, Monday, Freeport, FL:  This morning we watched the news and saw Tropical Storm, soon to be Hurricane, Michael roaring across the Gulf of Mexico and picking up speed.  We had planned to travel from Florida to Georgia which would have put us directly in the path of the storm.  We cancelled our RV park reservations in Georgia and made new ones in northern Alabama.  We decided to update our TV in the trailer so we went to Walmart to get a new one and to pick up a few groceries.  Every gas station we passed had lines out into the street and Walmart was already out of bottled water.  That afternoon we took Puddy to the vet.  The gas station next to the vet was out of gasoline but still had diesel so we filled up the truck the headed back to the RV park for supper.  The park manager knocked on the door to let us know that they were voluntarily evacuating the park tonight; it would change to mandatory evacuation tomorrow morning.

October 9, Tuesday, Freeport, FL to Lake Guntersville, AL (+/- 330 miles):  We packed up and hit the road early this morning.  People were in the process of evacuating the Florida panhandle coastal areas to get away from Hurricane Michael.  We saw some traffic early on but we took the back roads north into Alabama and avoided most of it.  The drive was uneventful.  We stopped at Rick's Crossroads Grille in Lincoln, AL for lunch - very good Cajun food.  We arrived at Lake Guntersville State Park mid-afternoon, found our spot and set-up.

October 10 - 11, Wednesday - Thursday, Lake Guntersville, AL:  We spent two days at the lake.  We went for a couple of hikes through the woods and along the lake shore.  We went into town to run some errands and to try a local barbecue restaurant.  

Puddy sitting on the picnic table, Lake Guntersville State Park, AL.
October 12, Friday, Lake Guntersville to Tuscumbia, AL (+/- 105 miles):  Today we drove to Tuscumbia, AL  and toured the Alabama Music Hall of Fame.  As members of Harvest Hosts, we were allowed to camp in their parking lot for the night.  After touring the museum, we went into town for a barbecue supper.

Dave's cousin, Mark Herndon, was the drummer for the band Alabama. 
Some of the band's paraphernalia, including their tour bus, in on display in the Alabama Music Hall of Fame.  
 October 13, Saturday, Tuscumbia to Huntsville, AL (+/- 68 miles):  Another short drive today to a Harvest Host location in Huntsville - Yellowhammer Brewery.  We parked in their parking lot and set-up the trailer.  The neighborhood they are located in has several breweries within a four block radius.  We walked around the to get a feel for the area then went into the brewery to check in.  We each did a tasting flight of beers and shared a pizza for lunch then back to the trailer for a nap.  For supper, we tried a different brewery, Straight to Ale.

October 14, Sunday, Huntsville, AL to Chattanooga, TN (+/- 100 miles):  Today we drove to Chattanooga to meet up with my mom (Louise), Marilyn and Barbara (Mrs. Donnelly) for our annual Road Scholar trip; this year we chose a trip in the Smoky Mountains.  We set-up the trailer at Raccoon Mountain RV Park then went to the airport to pick up Marilyn.  We had some lunch then went into downtown Chattanooga to check into our hotel.  After checking in and dropping off our luggage, we went back to the airport to pick up Mom and Barbara.  Dave dropped all of us off at the hotel, then he went back to the trailer to spend the week doing chores and projects while we vacationed.  We checked into our program, met our group leader and got our itinerary for the week.  After unpacking our suitcases, we met for a group orientation and a buffet supper.  After supper, the Choo Choo Chorus, entertained us with their barber shop harmony singing.

The Choo Choo Chorus singing barbershop harmony.
October 15, Monday, Chattanooga:  We started the day with a historic tour of downtown Chattanooga and the riverfront.  Next we took the bus to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum for a train ride to the Missionary Ridge turnaround and back.

Our train engine and conductor on the turntable at Missionary Ridge.

A steam engine waiting for maintenance at the Backshop, Missionary Ridge.
We spent the afternoon at the Chickamauga National Military Park, a key battlefield in the Civil War.  On the way back to our hotel, we drove through the Chattanooga National Cemetery.  For supper, we went to an Italian restaurant.  To finish off the evening, we had a lecturer talk to us about railroad history in Chattanooga and then toured the historic Chattanooga Terminal Station.

Inside Chattanooga Terminal Station.
October 16, Tuesday, Chattanooga:  After breakfast this morning, Matt Downer entertained us with American folk music, stories and humor.  

Matt Downer playing his fiddle.
Next we went to the Challenger Learning Center, a STEM learning center focused on exposing school aged children to science and math via hands on experiences.  We listened to an overview of the history of the centers and their goals, then got to tour "mission control" where students participate in planning and performing space missions.

We had free time this afternoon to explore on our own.  We started with a walk across the Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge, which crosses the Tennessee River and connects downtown with the north shore.  On the north side, we took a ride on the Coolidge Park Antique Carousel then had lunch at a nearby deli.

View of the Tennessee River from the Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge

Louise (Mom) riding the ostrich on the carousel.  B rode the mule.

Second time around, Louise riding the camel.  B rode the pig.
The folks from our tour group who joined us at the carousel.
While we were at lunch, it started to rain so we decided to spend the afternoon inside.  Louise and Marilyn went to the aquarium and Barbara and I went to the art museum.

The Hunter Museum of American Art sits on a bluff overlooking the Tennessee River.
Wednesday, October 17, Chattanooga, TN to Hiawassee, GA:  After breakfast this morning, we checked out of our hotel rooms and boarded our bus for the trip to Hiawassee, GA.  We stopped in Murphy, NC to visit the Cherokee County Historical Museum which was chock full of historical artifacts.  Billy Ray, a local historian, did an excellent job of leading us through the museum and providing information on the artifacts, the history of the area and Cherokee culture and history.  We had lunch at a restaurant downtown then got back on the bus.  

Marilyn, Louise, Barbara and B in front of the Cherokee County Historical Museum, Murphy, NC
Our next stop was the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC.  The Folk School provides classes in traditional arts, music, cooking, etc. After listening to a brief history of the school, we were allowed to wander through the campus and to talk with folks participating in the courses.  We talked to people making moccasins, making batik prints, doing wood carving, operating printing presses, making kaleidoscopes and painting watercolors.  

Our final stop of the day was The Ridges Resort on Lake Chatuge in Hiawassee, GA.  We checked into our rooms and unlaxed until supper.  After supper, Lee Knight entertained us with the history of the Appalachians and Cherokee culture, history and music.

Lee Knight playing the Cherokee flute and telling the Cherokee story of creation.
Thursday, October 18, Hiawassee, GA to Bryson City, NC and return:  We boarded our bus early this morning for the ride to Bryson City, NC.  In Bryson City we boarded the Great Smoky Mountain Train for a round trip ride through the Nantahala Gorge.  On the return trip, we stopped at the Nantahala Outdoor Center; we ate our lunch at a picnic table near the river then walked the entire width of the Appalachian Trail.

Chris and Charlotte, our seat mates during the train ride.
After the train ride, we had some free time in Bryson City.  We walked around town and visited the train museum.  Back on the bus, we returned to our hotel in Hiawassee.  We went for an afternoon walk along the lake shore then met up with the group for a picture followed by supper.  After supper, Lee Knight continued his lecture on the history of the Cherokee and entertained us with more folk music.

Our entire tour group at The Ridges Resort, Hiawassee, GA.
Sunset over Lake Chatuge, Hiawassee, GA
October 19, Friday, Hiawassee, GA to Chattanooga, TN:  Today was the last day of our trip.  We loaded onto the bus for the drive back to Chattanooga.  Our first stop was the airport to drop off the folks with early flights.  The rest of us continued to our hotel downtown.  Dave met us at the hotel and we walked down to Terminal Station for lunch.  After lunch, we stopped at Clumpie's, a local ice cream company, for a final dessert before leaving town.  We all piled into the pick-up and drove to the airport.  Marilyn, Barbara and Louise checked in for their flights home and Dave and I headed back to the campground.

October 20, Saturday, Chattanooga, TN:  Dave and I stayed an extra day to do some tourist things around town.  We drove up to Lookout Mountain and went on a cave tour to Ruby Falls

View of Chattanooga and the Tennessee River from the tower at Ruby Falls.

Ruby Falls, a waterfall inside the cave system under Lookout Mountain.
October 21, Sunday, Chattanooga, TN to Pigeon Forge, TN (+/- 150 miles):  This morning we packed up the trailer and drove to Clabough's Campground in Pigeon Forge, TN.  We stopped oustide of Knoxville at a barbecue place for lunch.  We arrived in Pigeon Forge, set-up camp then Dave watched Sunday afternoon football while I went for a walk around the campground.

October 22, Monday, Pigeon Forge, TN:  This morning we went for a hike to Laurel Falls in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  It was a beautiful morning, cool with a clear blue sky, and a nice walk.

View of Great Smoky Mountain National Park from the Laurel Falls trail

B at Laurel Falls.
After our hike, we drove the scenic route to Carver's Orchard and Applehouse Restaurant in Cosby, TN.  We ate a delicious lunch at the restaurant, then bought 5 different kinds of apples, some fresh tomatoes and a few other things.  

October 23, Tuesday, Pigeon Forge, TN to Stanton, KY (+/- 200 miles):  Today we headed north into Kentucky to the Red River Gorge.  We arrived at 4 Guys RV Park, set-up, then sat outside in the sun to read and unlax.

October 24, Wednesday, Stanton, KY:  Today was our 20th wedding anniversary.  We celebrated with a hike to Gray's Arch in the Red River Gorge.  We took the longer loop trail past the arch and up onto Rush Ridge.  We stopped along the ridge to eat our lunch then hiked back down Pinch 'em Tight trail to the picnic area where we were parked.  After our hike, we drove into town to get our propane bottle filled and to pick up a few groceries.  We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting outside in the sunshine.

B under a rock ledge along the Gray's Arch trail

Looking up at Gray's Arch.

The view from Rush Ridge.  We were a little too early in the season for the fall colors.
October 25, Thursday, Stanton, KY:  We started off the morning with a hike to Natural Bridge via Balanced Rock.  After walking across the top of the arch, we took a side trail to Lover's Leap then returned to the parking lot via a steep, narrow rock staircase called Needle's Eye.

Balanced Rock.

Natural Bridge

Fat Man's Squeeze, one of the very narrow rock staircases up to Natural Bridge

Looking down at the valley from Lover's Leap
B walking down the Needle's Eye rock staircase.
We hopped back into the pick-up and went through the Nada Tunnel, a very narrow, one-way tunnel into the Gorge, for a scenic drive.  We stopped for lunch at the Sky Bridge picnic area then continued to the parking area near Rock Bridge.  We hiked the Rock Bridge Loop Trail then headed back to the campground.

Waterfall near the Rock Bridge Trail.

Rock Bridge, the only arch in the area that actually crosses water.
October 26, Friday, Stanton, KY to Radcliffe, KY (+/- 150 miles):  It was a wet rainy day today.  We packed up the trailer for the drive to Radcliffe, KY.  Our destination was Boundary Oaks Distillery, a Harvest Host location.  We set up in their parking lot and then went into the distillery for a tour and tasting.  We purchased a bottle of Patton whiskey then went back to the trailer.  I walked to the nearby Walmart to get a few things and we spent the rest of the afternoon unlaxing.

October 26, Saturday, Radcliffe, KY to Patoka Lake, IN (+/- 85 miles):  It was still raining this morning.  We walked to a nearby restaurant for breakfast then hit the road.  It was a short drive north, across the Ohio River and into Indiana.  Our stop for the night was Patoka Lake Campground near the Hoosier National Forest.  It was Autumn Getaway weekend at the campground and it was full of family campers.  There were lots of family activities going on including pumpkin carving, a costume parade for dogs, the best decorated campsite and trick-or-treating for the kids.  We had a barbecue lunch at a local church fundraiser, then went into the town of French Lick to see where NBA Boston Celtic player Larry Bird grew up.  Later in the afternoon, I walked around the campground to look at the Halloween decorations that people had out.

One of the best decorated campsites in the Patoka Lake Campground.

A campsite with an old car decorated for Halloween. 
The guy standing on the driver's side of the car is replacing the battery in his talking buzzard skeleton.
October 28, Patoka Lake, Indiana:  This morning we went to the Nature Center then hiked the Main Trail through the forest along the lake shore.

Dave hiking through the woods near Patoka Lake, IN.

Dave resting under Totem Rock, Patoka Lake, IN.
October 29, Monday, Patoka Lake, IN to E. St. Louis, IL (+/- 220 miles):  Today we drove from Patoka Lake to St. Louis.  We stopped along the way to fill one of our propane tanks and to eat lunch.  We pulled into the Casino Queen RV Park, on the east side of the Mississippi River early afternoon and set-up camp.  We settled in then walked over to the casino to try our luck, but didn't have any.

Looking at the Gateway Arch from our RV site on the east side of the Mississippi river.
October 30 - November 2, Tuesday - Friday, St, Louis:  We spent the next few days exploring St. Louis and the surrounding area.  Tuesday, we walked across the river on the Eads Bridge and toured the Gateway Arch park and museum.  After watching the movie about the construction of the arch, we boarded the tram for a ride to the top.

A view of downtown St. Louis from the top of the arch.

A view across the Mississippi River from the top of the arch.
Wednesday we went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens and enjoyed a peaceful walk around the grounds and through the trees.  After our walk, we went to 4 Hands Brewery to try some local beer and food.

The Japanese Garden at the Missouri Botanical Gardens.
It rained most of the day on Thursday.  We went into town to have lunch at Pappy's Smokehouse and spent the rest of the day hanging out at the RV park.

Friday we ventured out to the Cahokia Indian Mounds, the remains of an ancient civilization.  We toured the visitor center then walked the trails around the mounds and climbed to the top of Monk's Mound.

November 3, Saturday, E. St. Louis, IL to Columbia, MO (+/- 125 miles):  Today we drove west on the interstate to Columbia, MO.  We set-up the trailer at Cottonwoods RV Park.  For our afternoon adventure we drove to Rock Bridge Memorial State Park for a hike.  We parked at the Rock Quarry Road trailhead and hiked the Gans Creek Wild Area Trail System.  We took the loop route up to the Wagon Wheel parking area, down to Shooting Star and then back to Rock Quarry.  It was a good hike, not too difficult but with a variety of landscapes.  On the way back to the trailer, we stopped at Como Smoke and Fire for barbecue ribs, delicious - some of the best ribs we've had so far this trip.

B crossing Gans Creek.

Gans Creek.

View from an overlook on the Gans Creek Trail.
We're getting ready to pack up the trailer now for our drive to Louisberg, Kansas. 
Until next time...

Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia

 Location:  Tivat, Montenegro Mid-June we met up with an Intrepid tour group in Tirana, Albania for a tour of northern Albania, Kosovo and ...