Sunday, July 17, 2016

Maintenance Complete, Waiting on Weather

We have spent most of June and July doing maintenance and repairs.  We had hoped to have everything complete by the end of June but...  things took longer than expected.  

We moved to Schoonmaker Point Marina in Sausalito at the beginning of June so that List Marine could help us with some of our engine maintenance.

The fog rolling in over the Sausalito hills

The Schoonmaker Point Beach
Here is a high level list of the maintenance and repairs we completed:
Maintenance and Repairs 2-June thru 16-July 2016
  • Repaired crack in hot water supply elbow, port head
  • Pulled all injectors off main, sent to shop for testing, cleaned and re-installed

Main engine - injectors removed, hoses staged for replacement
  • Changed out all hoses, main and GGH
  • Inspected oil cooler, heat exchanger and charge air cooler with boroscope
  • Repaired / replaced seawater cooling stainless steel pipe
  • Removed potwater pressure system bladder, cleaned and remounted
  • Cleaned fresh water tank
  • Cleaned hull and checked hull anodes
  • Repaired KVH sat-system modem
Trouble-shooting KVH (sat system)

Re-installing KVH (sat system) modem after repair
  • Replaced antifreeze in both engines
  • Replaced propulsion, genset and stabilizer cooling pump impellers
  • Repaired GGH fault with control power to starter
  • Replaced negative earth relay in GGH
  • Changed all seawater cooling piping gaskets from paper to neoprene duro 70
  • Rebuilt seawater pumps for shelf spares
Rebuilding seawater pumps
  • Repainted and re-stenciled life ring buoys
Louise and B repainting life ring buoys

Life ring buoy re-stenciled and ready to install
  • Cleaned and repainted frig/freezer skid
  • Replaced freezer pump
  • Replaced frig voltage reducer
  • Changed bulbs in engine control panels
  • Repaired audible engine alarms
  • Changed anchor chain shackles, starboard anchor
  • Took off stern light and cleaned up corrosion where cable gland entered bulk head
  • Routed wires from proposed water maker back to lazarette for hookah system
  • Inspected and lubricated windlass
  • Replaced windlass toggle switch
  • Cleaned turbo on main
Turbo on the main engine
  • Stocked ditch bag
  • Inspected and stowed survival suits
B and Louise trying on survival suits

B suited up
  • Changed smoke alarm batteries
  • Performed Coast Guard safety inspection
  • Fresh water rinsed and re-tied mooring lines
  • Replaced flag halyards

We use a spreadsheet to keep track of required maintenance tasks.  Tasks are organized by operating system and intervals are based either on time or engine hours since the task was last completed.  We typically do a look-ahead at the first of each month.  The look-ahead is based on a time interval of one month, one hundred main engine hours and fifty GGH (generator get home engine) hours .  Here is a sample excerpt showing some of the tasks we completed during May, June and July for the main engine and the windlass:

In this excerpt, you can see that intervals for the main engine tasks are based on either engine hours or time durations, whichever comes first.  The windlass task intervals are only time based.  You can also see that although we recently completed these tasks, because of the interval, some will show up again in our July look-ahead.  Most of the tasks listed are based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, although some are based on our experience.  

Of course, it wasn’t all work.  We managed to fit in a few fun things including:
·       Hiking Muir Woods and Muir Beach
Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Overlooking Muir Beach

·       Walking at Stinson Beach and driving the Panoramic Highway near Mount Tamalpais
View of the Pacific Ocean from the Panoramic Highway

·       Visiting the Bay Model – a US Army Corp of Engineers scale model of the SF Bay Area and the Delta that was used for scientific research up until 2000 (they use computer modeling now)
·       Visiting with friends
Sara, Nathan and Mary arriving for Sunday brunch

Anthony, Rosie and Midori visiting for sunset cocktails

·       Visiting family in Colusa and shooting off fireworks for 4th of July
4th of July fireworks at Kevin's house in Colusa

·       Riding the ferry in to San Francisco, eating lunch in North Beach, walking up to Coit Tower, touring Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39, visiting the Museum of Modern Art
The Golden Gate Bridge

Irish Coffee at the Buena Vista in SF

·       Kayaking
Seals and birds soaking up the sun

"Royono"  The wooden sailboat at the end of our dock.
JFK and his family used to sail on this boat and rumor has it
that he was also on it with Marilyn Monroe.

Heron on the dock
We are ready to continue our journey north.  We’re just waiting for a good weather window.
B returning from a provisioning trip

Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia

 Location:  Tivat, Montenegro Mid-June we met up with an Intrepid tour group in Tirana, Albania for a tour of northern Albania, Kosovo and ...